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Booking terms and conditions

1. Reservations and Payments


1.1. Cash, Cheque, and Bank Transfer payments in respect of a request for training programmes, either in house, off site, or at our premises become due on completion of a completed course booking form.


1.2. Where previously agreed, a deposit of 20% of the total course costs will be accepted in lieu of full payment being received on or before the first day of attendance.


1.3. Personal cheques should be crossed and made payable to Innovative Safety Training full details of a cheque guarantee card will be required. Business cheques may be accepted at our discretion. Any cheques which are returned ‘refer to drawer’ will be liable to an additional £25.00 charge.


1.4. Where previously agreed, a valid Purchase Order Number may be accepted, and in this case full payment of all costs becomes due before the first day of delivery as shown on the completed course booking form. Payments not received before the first day of commencement will be liable to an additional 5% charge of the total costs.


1.5. Without exception, any certificate due will not be released until full payment has been received. Where non-payment for any training provided exceeds a period of 90 days from the final date of attendance, and then any certificates held us will be destroyed. Any subsequent re-certification will be charged at current rates (Details available on request)


2. Cancellations

2.1. Innovative Safety Training reserve the right to postpone or cancel any training where we feel that any unforeseen circumstances dictate no alternative course of action is deemed practical. For example, where extreme weather conditions would prevent travelling or due to staff illness/absence.


2.2. Where such a course is cancelled by us, any and all delegates will be offered at no additional cost, an alternative date for attendance. If no date becomes available within 30 days, then a full refund of the fees paid will be made.


2.3. Should a delegate decline the offer of the alternative date, then where applicable, a charge for the awarding body registration costs will be made at the appropriate rate. (Details available on request.)


2.4. No responsibility will be accepted for any incidental or consequential loss resulting from such a cancellation. Any cancellation made or requested by a delegate or their representatives must be received in writing.


2.5. Where delegates or their representatives find it necessary to cancel their attendance after a booking reservation has been made, then the following conditions will apply:


Cancellation Notice
NO Show - Full Payment. 

10 days or less - Full payment

11 to 14 days - 50% Payment. 

15 days or more - No Charge. 


2.7. Where cancellation is made after registration with the relevant awarding body has taken place then a charge for the awarding body registration costs will be made at the appropriate rate. (Details available on request.)


3. Substitutions & Transfers

3.1. Where a ‘named’ delegate is unable to fulfil a confirmed course booking, then a substitute delegate may attend at no additional cost, except where prior registration with a relevant awarding body has taken place, where an additional full registration fee will become payable at the appropriate rate. (Details available on request)


3.2. Any course materials supplied or purchased beforehand may be utilised by a substitute delegate. Replacement or additional resources will be made available if required at standard rates.


3.3. Should the transferee or their representative subsequently cancel the agreed attendance, then the original cancellation cause will apply (See 2.5,2.6,2.7)


3.4. All requests for a delegate substitution or transfer of date received must be confirmed in writing either by post or email.


3.5. Changes will become effective on the date of receipt of written confirmation.


4. Other Information

4.1. Occasionally, due to circumstances beyond our control, alterations to timing and/or content of courses may become necessary. We therefore reserve the right to modify the course information or course tutor without prior notice.


4.2. All awarding bodies require that all candidates provide acceptable identification before any end of course examination can take place. Innovative Safety Training has determined that either a Photographic Driving License or Passport as being acceptable identification. Where this is not possible, we may accept other forms of ID only where delegates have informed us before the first date of attendance. See 5. Below for how we handle such I.D.


4.3. A copy of our equal opportunities policy, along with our appeals procedures is available for inspection on request.


4.4. Innovative Safety Training accepts no responsibility for any loss, theft or damage sustained to delegates’ personal property or their vehicles whilst they are attending any training courses held at our premises.


4.5. Should any delegate require assistance in reading or writing, especially during any assessment process, this can be arranged ONLY with prior notification, which should be requested at the time of booking.


5. Privacy Notice
5.1. The Company’s Privacy Notice issued in accordance with GDPR can be found on Company’s

website here


6. Acceptance

6.1. By accepting these terms and conditions you are also giving your consent to receive emails or other periodical notifications of our services in line our Privacy Notice. Should you not wish to receive such information, then please indicate your preferences at the time of booking or contact us at anytime to remove or modify your consent. 







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